7. Advance Care Planning (ACP)

Dr. Trevor Janz is an emergency department Doctor in Nelson BC. He cares for the most frail and weak towards the end of their life in a variety of medical situations. Dr. Janz speaks to planning final days of a person’s life through the perspective of medical intervention, and quality of life. He brings up […]

6. You are Not Alone (1 of 8): Inroduation to the World of Family Caregiving: Emblemhealth

The family caregiver, also known as the “silent patient,” holds an important role in the world of caregiving. “You Are Not Alone” is a video series from Care for the Family Caregiver. This video series contains eight 10-minute conversations with EmblemHealth’s Director and Creator of the “Care for the Family Caregiver” initiative, Greg Johnson.

3. Family Caregiver: Stress Relief

Family members share their stories about how they became caregivers for their loved ones, and the stresses it can put on their lives, families, emotions, and physical well-being. The challenges faced by these family caregivers can bring a sense of loss and depression, but they are able take comfort in the sense of support and […]

1. The Caregivers Club

Relatives of dementia victims call themselves members of ‘the club no one wants to join’. The Caregivers’ Club follows three families — their heartbreak, humour and frustration. It’s a devastating but ultimately inspiring journey thousands of families will be forced to take as Canada ages.