We Provide Phone Support
Phone support, toll free throughout the East Kootenay, is your first contact. Our telephone support and information line provides:
- Information about local support groups
- Emotional support, debriefing, and day-to-day coping strategies
- Resource information about your community
- Access for caregivers at a distance (in B.C., Alberta etc.) to get information about what is available in the East Kootenay for their care recipients.
We Provide Education and Advocacy.
Education and Advocacy is provided for caregivers to empower themselves. We work closely with a number of partner organization throughout the province to ensure caregiving issues are heard and made visible. We provide:
- Online Handouts and Resources for Caregivers
- Links to other organizations supporting caregivers
- Resource information about your community
- Information about webinars, and educational initiatives currently taking place.
We Provide In Person Support Visits
In person support visits help caregivers to:
- Explore coping strategies to deal with feelings of anger, frustration, guilt, and helplessness that many caregivers feel.
- Reduce the isolation felt by caregivers by coming together in a supportive environment.
- Navigate the health care system and access support and information.
- Receive emotional support and practical tips.

Refer someone who needs help.
Caregiving is hard work! The support and insights of other caregivers, who have walked the same road, are a huge help.